Pass The COKO Exam and Become a R.KIN
COKO Exam Prep Course
Helping Kinesiology Students Pass The COKO Exam Since 2017

Trusted by 1000+ Kinesiology, Human Kinetics, MPK, Graduate Certificate Students in Ontario Since 2017
Don't know where to start?
Overwhelmed with all the required textbooks?
Looking for some guidance?
Voted the BEST Registered Kinesiologist Exam Prep Course for the COKO Exam in Ontario for the past 7 years!

Student Testimonials
Voted #1 COKO Exam Prep Course by Kinesiology Students in 2024
See what our students have to say:
What's Included in the
COKO Exam Preparation Course:

COKO Exam Prep Course
This course goes section-by-section on the various subjects that will be featured on the exam. These subjects include ACSM Exercise guidelines, Ergonomic Assessment Tools, Clinical Kinesiology, Chronic Conditions, etc (Full list in the curriculum below)
Using the study technique of going through each exam question and going in-depth on each topic, this course does all the hard work of breaking each question down. The course includes videos, written text and quizzes to give an optimal learning experience

COKO Practice Exams
These Registered Kinesiologist practice exams best compliments our COKO Exam Prep Course.Test your knowledge with new COKO Practice Questions written strictly through Kinformation.
Includes NEW case studies, scenarios, over 200 multiple choice questions and reasoning behind each answer. Ontario Kinesiology Exam Prep covering all aspects of the COKO exam. This practice exam is a good Kinesiology exam review for those writing the R.Kin Exam.

COKO Study Group
Connect with other students who are writing the next COKO Exam and who have enrolled in the Kinformation COKO Exam prep course.
Gain direct access to a Mentor within the group and ask any question about the exam.
Lively discussions for students who like to ask many questions and get instant replies.
Unique resources will be shared as part of this course. This includes additional, handouts, quizzes and links to be shared to help you study for the exam.
Voted #1 COKO Exam Prep Course by Kinesiology Students
Get started on your journey today to become a Registered Kinesiologist.
Start your journey TODAY
COKO Prep Course Curriculum
Click "+" below to learn more about each section of the course.
Welcome to Kinformation
Practice Standards
Practice Guidelines
Clinical Knowledge
Exercise Prescription
Exercise Psychology
Frequently Asked Questions
When does the course start and finish?
What makes this prep course worth it?
Is the course the same every year?
What if I fail the COKO exam?
Are refunds available for this course?
Kinformation has been helping students since 2017 to pass the R.Kin Exam in Ontario.
If you have any questions about Kinformation, please email [email protected]
Thank you for your time and attention,